There will be a warning sign about rock falls halfway up the path. Be careful to avoid bear traps and falling rocks if one chooses to take this path. There is a bear trap at the legs of the corpse and more all the way up to that hill. On the way up will be a body of an NCR trooper.There are also two shortcuts to the summit to avoid most of the super mutants: After choosing this option, Tabitha will dismiss the player character as a "dumb-dumb," and cut off the conversation. With low intelligence, a dialogue choice labeled " What?" will appear.Say nothing, which will irritate Tabitha and cause her to ignore the radio afterward.Saying one is a big fan of the super mutants will result in Tabitha sarcastically thanking them and sending the remaining super mutants in the area towards the dish.If the check is failed, she will recognize the Courier and send super mutants towards the dish. The super mutants usually win the opening fight and are then attacked by more nightkin. Fighting will then break out between the super mutants and nightkin. Telling Tabitha the "dumb-dumbs" are taking over, or if Neil was convinced to help, that the super mutants are following him now, which requires a 75 Speech check, will cause her to sentence them (non-nightkin super mutants) to death.There are 3 dialogue options, or 4 with low Intelligence: Upon reaching the toppled satellite dish by an irradiated crater, there is a ham radio under it which can be used to talk to Tabitha. There is a long way where one will have to fight against three patrols and checkpoints of super mutants or nightkin. From Neil's shack, the Courier will have to make their way up the road towards Black Mountain. With a Speech check of 50, Neil can be convinced to assist in killing Tabitha. Neil will say that the area is patrolled by super mutants during the day, while at night, cloaked nightkin patrol the roads.

This will automatically start the quest, which requires the Courier to enter Tabitha's stronghold and put an end to her chaos.

One of her rules is that no humans are welcome in the area, and any that approach are to be killed on sight. He will inform them that the area is dangerous as a super mutant named Tabitha has taken over Black Mountain. Upon approaching Neil's shack or Black Mountain from Hidden Valley, a super mutant named Neil will run towards the Courier and start dialogue.